Baggage Care Simplified: Travel Smart

TravelThru Extra: One-Click Peace of Mind tracks your baggage and guarantees $2,000 per bag if not found within 96 hours. Travel stress-free.


Everything in our service plus...

Tracks delayed baggage for 96 hours with email updates

Includes all checked bags, all flights, all airlines, worldwide

Can buy until just before flight departure; not mid-connection

File with airline first, report to TravelThru Extra within 24 hours

No proof needed for payment if bag not found in 96 hours

Does not cover delivery or theft. Supplementary to insurance

Service complete when bag arrives at airport

Gold Service

$5.00 /Passenger

For $1000 Coverage per bag

Platinum Service

$7.50 /Passenger

For $1500 Coverage per bag

Diamond Service

$10.00 /Passenger

For $2000 Coverage per bag